Transports railways station airports
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- Transports railways station airports

Rotavirus, the pathogen that causes gastroenteritis, can survive on a bar for 60 days and the plastic bins at security checks are the most contaminated surfaces in airports!
PhotoACTIVE ® is a major asset in the management of the hygiene of surfaces in contact with the general public. Public transport brings together hundreds, even thousands and tens of thousands of people per vehicle over a day. Buses, coaches, metros, trams, all require strict hygiene, which must be impeccable in high traffic. As for train stations and airports, there is no longer any doubt that these are the biggest clusters of diseases, fueling the spread of epidemics around the world. In this PhotoACTIVE ® makes it possible to guarantee the inhibition of the growth of germs and its destruction up to 99.99% without intervention.
PhotoACTIVE ® is authorized for the general public, it meets all standards in terms of efficiency and safety.
Because it is very complicated to guarantee impeccable hygiene between each user, PhotoACTIVE ® can help you break the chains of transmission on different surfaces.
- Bus handles and grab bars
- Plastic or fabric seats
- Tactile terminals for tickets and cancellation machines
- Trolley bars, basket handles, plastic bins
- Reception counters, tablets
- passenger seat tables and screens
- all common areas: door handles, stair railings, etc.
- Toilet contact surfaces