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According to the Government, it is not the employer’s responsibility to “guarantee the absence of any exposure of employees to health risks”. But it must “avoid as much as possible” having one.
PhotoACTIVE ® is a major asset in the management of the hygiene of contact surfaces in companies where employees, in confidence among themselves, lower their vigilance with regard to barrier gestures. Open spaces with staff rotation are particularly exposed. PhotoACTIVE ® makes it possible to guarantee the inhibition of the growth of germs and their destruction up to 99.99% without intervention.
PhotoACTIVE ® is authorized for the general public, it meets all standards in terms of efficiency and safety.
Because it is very complicated to guarantee impeccable hygiene within your company, PhotoACTIVE ® can help you break the chains of transmission on different media:
- Entrance door handles, and all interior door handles (toilets, offices, meeting rooms)
- Customer reception desks
- Workstation objects: computer, keyboard, telephone, headset, calculator
- Desks, chairs
- Coffee machines, microwaves, fridges
- Toilet contact surfaces
- ATMs