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The WHO estimates that 1.4 million people contracted an infection in hospital in 2017. The greatest risk of infectious contamination does not come from the doctor but rather from the patients themselves.
Millions of people, sick or not, travel to hospitals and clinics every year. The hygiene of medical and veterinary practices, pharmacies and laboratories must be beyond reproach. If health professionals apply all strict hygiene measures, patients themselves can be a major source of contamination and the spread of disease because of their condition. In fact, the common areas cannot be disinfected between each patient. PhotoACTIVE ® makes it possible to guarantee the inhibition of the growth of germs and its destruction up to 99.99% without intervention.
PhotoACTIVE ® is authorized for the general public, it meets all standards in terms of efficiency and safety. PhotoACTIVE ® has also been authorized by the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration in the United States) as an authorized disinfectant in a hospital environment.
Because it is very complicated to guarantee impeccable hygiene between each patient, PhotoACTIVE ® can help you break the chains of transmission on different surfaces:
- Entrance door handles, and all interior door handles (waiting room, toilets, etc.)
- Reception desks, consultation offices
- Furniture surface (flyer shelves, coffee table, medicine shelf, etc.)
- Examination chairs and armchairs (waiting room, blood test, stretcher, etc.)
- Buttons, contact surfaces and screens of examination devices (ultrasound, MRI, radio, etc.)
- ATM keyboards, touch terminals
- Toilet contact surfaces
- Common areas on the employee side (coffee machines, microwaves, fridge, etc.)
- Dispensers