We are happy to announce that PhotoACTIVE® has been certified for food contact for a few days now!
The CHIMICAMBIENTE laboratory test produced a very satisfactory report on the non-migration of PhotoACTIVE® in food brought into contact with treated surfaces.
It is currently the only certified ANTI-COVID 19 product and ISO 14476 tested for food contact.
Treatment with PhotoActive ® makes it possible to treat all surfaces in catering environments in a sustainable and certified manner: bars, restaurants, canteens, kitchens, etc.
PhotoActive ® applied in the food sector ensures the level of hygiene of surfaces even far from the cleaning and washing phases. PhotoActive ® in no way reduces its hygiene effectiveness over time, although the treated surface is subject to washing treatments with even aggressive detergents and at high temperatures.
We are here at your disposal for information and / or clarifications, do not hesitate to contact us!
The report is available on request for our customers
The CHIMICAMBIENTE Laboratory is a laboratory accredited by ACCREDIA n.0763 in compliance with the requirements of the UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025:2005 standard and with the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.